CertMaster CE は、受験者が最初にCompTIA認定資格試験試験に合格した際に実証されたスキルを基に、最新の出題範囲から新たにトピックを統合した資格更新用の自学オンラインコースです。コース完了時に認定資格が自動的に更新されます。
CertMaster CE は、CompTIA A+、CompTIA Network+、CompTIA Security+ でのみ利用できます。コース受講資格があるかどうかを確認するには、「CertMaster CE の資格要件」を確認してください。
CertMaster CE Features
・Automatic Updates: Course completion automatically renews the learner’s corresponding certification.
・A Learning Plan: Content within the course is organized in a prescribed learning plan based on a target date set by the user, helping learners structure their study sessions and guiding them efficiently through the course.
・Lessons: Every lesson provides instructional content focused on reinforcing the learner’s base knowledge while also integrating new topics aligned with the most current exam objectives to ensure they stay current with the subject matter.
・Assessments: To renew their certification, learners will need to score 100% on all assessments within the lessons. Assessments can be retaken until 100% is achieved. Once all assessments are completed at 100%, the course is considered complete and the certification record will be updated automatically.
・Reporting and Analytics: CertMaster CE displays a variety of data points to help the learner track progress and understand their strengths and weaknesses in order to get the most out of their learning experience. A dashboard provides a quick glance at a learner’s progress on their Learning Plan, average scores on assessments and their percentile rank relative to all other users. Learners also assess their confidence levels within the lessons to surface content where they have achieved mastery as well as content that requires more review.
・Mobile: Learners can access CertMaster CE on a variety of devices wherever an internet connection is available, providing a flexible and efficient study experience.